The Big Number Calculator is a free online calculator that can be used to calculate the number of digits in an unknown number. It comes in both Windows and MAC, so there's no reason to believe it wouldn't work on the iPad as well.
Enter the number into the search bar, and wait a few seconds for the result. The result will tell you the exact number of digits it takes to write the number. This means you won't have to guess or do a math problem in order to figure out how many digits are in that number. After you enter your number, the calculator will give you a result. It'll either be the exact number you're looking for, or will be rounded down so that you won't get as accurate a number as you'd want.
This calculator isn't perfect, but it does give you a reasonable amount of information about the number. It's a great tool for those of us who get prank phone calls or have a job interview that requires multiple answers from you. Using a Big Number Calculator is one of the best ways to make sure that you get accurate answers!